The field industry
of our company data relates to the LinkedIn industry codes
that can be found below and in the official LinkedIn documentation
Code | Description (German) | Description (English) |
1 | Verteidigung & Raumfahrt | Defense & Space |
3 | Computer-Hardware | Computer Hardware |
4 | Computer-Software | Computer Software |
5 | Computer-Netzwerke | Computer Networking |
6 | Internet | Internet |
7 | Halbleiter | Semiconductors |
8 | Telekommunikation | Telecommunications |
9 | Rechtswesen | Law Practice |
10 | Juristische Dienstleistungen | Legal Services |
11 | Management-Beratung | Management Consulting |
12 | Biotechnologie | Biotechnology |
13 | Humanmedizin | Medical Practice |
14 | Krankenhaus & Gesundheitsbereich | Hospital & Health Care |
15 | Pharmazie | Pharmaceuticals |
16 | Tiermedizin | Veterinary |
17 | Medizintechnik | Medical Devices |
18 | Kosmetik | Cosmetics |
19 | Bekleidung & Mode | Apparel & Fashion |
20 | Sportartikel | Sporting Goods |
21 | Tabak | Tobacco |
22 | Supermärkte | Supermarkets |
23 | Lebensmittelherstellung | Food Production |
24 | Unterhaltungselektronik | Consumer Electronics |
25 | Konsumgüter | Consumer Goods |
26 | Möbel | Furniture |
27 | Einzelhandel | Retail |
28 | Unterhaltung | Entertainment |
29 | Glücksspiel & Casinos | Gambling & Casinos |
30 | Tourismus und Freizeit | Leisure, Travel & Tourism |
31 | Hotel- und Gaststättengewerbe | Hospitality |
32 | Restaurants | Restaurants |
33 | Sport | Sports |
34 | Lebensmittel & Getränke | Food & Beverages |
35 | Kino und Film | Motion Pictures and Film |
36 | Rundfunk und Fernsehen | Broadcast Media |
37 | Museen und Kulturstätten | Museums and Institutions |
38 | Schöne Künste | Fine Art |
39 | Darstellende Künste | Performing Arts |
40 | Freizeiteinrichtungen & -dienste | Recreational Facilities and Services |
41 | Bankwesen | Banking |
42 | Versicherungswesen | Insurance |
43 | Finanzdienstleistungen | Financial Services |
44 | Immobilien | Real Estate |
45 | Investment Banking | Investment Banking |
46 | Vermögensverwaltung | Investment Management |
47 | Buchhaltung | Accounting |
48 | Baugewerbe | Construction |
49 | Baumaterialien | Building Materials |
50 | Architektur & Bauplanung | Architecture & Planning |
51 | Hoch- und Tiefbau | Civil Engineering |
52 | Luft- & Raumfahrt | Aviation & Aerospace |
53 | Automobil | Automotive |
54 | Chemie | Chemicals |
55 | Maschinenbau | Machinery |
56 | Bergbau & Metallverarbeitung | Mining & Metals |
57 | Erdöl & Energiewirtschaft | Oil & Energy |
58 | Schiffbau | Shipbuilding |
59 | Energieversorgung | Utilities |
60 | Textilien | Textiles |
61 | Papier & Forstprodukte | Paper & Forest Products |
62 | Eisenbahnbau | Railroad Manufacture |
63 | Landwirtschaft | Farming |
64 | Viehwirtschaft | Ranching |
65 | Milchwirtschaft | Dairy |
66 | Fischereiwirtschaft | Fishery |
67 | Pädagogik | Primary/Secondary Education |
68 | Hochschulwesen | Higher Education |
69 | Bildungsmanagement | Education Management |
70 | Forschung | Research |
71 | Militär | Military |
72 | Legislative | Legislative Office |
73 | Justiz | Judiciary |
74 | Diplomatischer Dienst | International Affairs |
75 | Öffentlicher Dienst | Government Administration |
76 | Ämter & Behörden | Executive Office |
77 | Polizeidienst | Law Enforcement |
78 | Öffentliche Sicherheit | Public Safety |
79 | Öffentliche Ordnung | Public Policy |
80 | Marketing und Werbung | Marketing and Advertising |
81 | Presse | Newspapers |
82 | Verlagswesen | Publishing |
83 | Druckwesen | Printing |
84 | Informationsdienste | Information Services |
85 | Bibliothekswesen | Libraries |
86 | Umweltdienste | Environmental Services |
87 | Paket- und Frachttransport | Package/Freight Delivery |
88 | Soziale Dienstleistungen | Individual & Family Services |
89 | Religiöse Einrichtungen | Religious Institutions |
90 | Soziale Einrichtungen | Civic & Social Organization |
91 | Verbraucherdienste | Consumer Services |
92 | Transportwesen & Bahnverkehr | Transportation/Trucking/Railroad |
93 | Lagerhaltung | Warehousing |
94 | Fluggesellschaften | Airlines/Aviation |
95 | Seefahrt | Maritime |
96 | IT und Services | Information Technology and Services |
97 | Marktforschung | Market Research |
98 | Öffentlichkeitsarbeit | Public Relations and Communications |
99 | Design | Design |
100 | Management von Nonprofit-Organisationen | Non-Profit Organization Management |
101 | Fundraising | Fund-Raising |
102 | Programmentwicklung | Program Development |
103 | Schreiben und Redigieren | Writing and Editing |
104 | Personalberatung & -vermittlung | Staffing and Recruiting |
105 | Berufliche Schulungen & Coaching | Professional Training & Coaching |
106 | Venture Capital und Private Equity | Venture Capital & Private Equity |
107 | Politische Organisationen | Political Organization |
108 | Übersetzung und Lokalisierung | Translation and Localization |
109 | Computerspiele | Computer Games |
110 | Veranstaltungsdienste | Events Services |
111 | Kunstgewerbe | Arts and Crafts |
112 | Elektro-/Elektronik-Herstellung | Electrical/Electronic Manufacturing |
113 | Online-Medien | Online Media |
114 | Nanotechnologie | Nanotechnology |
115 | Musik | Music |
116 | Logistik und Beschaffung | Logistics and Supply Chain |
117 | Kunststoffe | Plastics |
118 | Computer- & Netzwerksicherheit | Computer & Network Security |
119 | Wireless | Wireless |
120 | Alternative Schlichtungsmethoden | Alternative Dispute Resolution |
121 | Sicherheits- & Ermittlungsdienste | Security and Investigations |
122 | Gebäudeverwaltung | Facilities Services |
123 | Outsourcing & Offshoring | Outsourcing/Offshoring |
124 | Gesundheit, Wellness & Fitness | Health, Wellness and Fitness |
125 | Alternative Medizin | Alternative Medicine |
126 | Medienproduktion | Media Production |
127 | Animation | Animation |
128 | Gewerbeimmobilien | Commercial Real Estate |
129 | Kapitalmärkte | Capital Markets |
130 | Think Tanks | Think Tanks |
131 | Philanthropie | Philanthropy |
132 | E-Learning | E-Learning |
133 | Großhandel | Wholesale |
134 | Import und Export | Import and Export |
135 | Maschinenbau & Betriebstechnik | Mechanical or Industrial Engineering |
136 | Fotografie | Photography |
137 | Personalwesen | Human Resources |
138 | Büromaterial und -ausstattung | Business Supplies and Equipment |
139 | Psychologie & Psychotherapie | Mental Health Care |
140 | Grafikdesign | Graphic Design |
141 | Intl. Handel & Entwicklung | International Trade and Development |
142 | Weine und Spirituosen | Wine and Spirits |
143 | Luxusgüter & Schmuck | Luxury Goods & Jewelry |
144 | Erneuerbare Energie & Umwelt | Renewables & Environment |
145 | Glas, Keramik & Zement | Glass, Ceramics & Concrete |
146 | Verpackungsindustrie | Packaging and Containers |
147 | Industrielle Automatisierung | Industrial Automation |
148 | Beziehung zu Regierungen | Government Relations |